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First online issue published!


We are so pleased to have published the first online issue of Auto/Biography Review. This ABR issue marks an important occasion and coincides with the 30th anniversary of the BSA Auto/Biography Study Group. To celebrate its accomplishments so far and the start of an online journey ahead, we hope you enjoy the invited articles from our editorial board alongside peer-reviewed articles in this issue.

We hope the editorial speaks to you as a scholarly community and frames the context for the new publishing mode. We are privileged to posthumously publish David Morgan’s piece (with Michael Erben), within which he reflects on a special place from his past. Following this, Gayle Letherby reflects on the ongoing political/personal responsibilities of past, present, and future auto/biographical work, drawing on non-motherhood and food sharing. The subject in Michael Erben’s piece, Arthur Seaton, a fictional character from the post-war era, shares elements of a chaotic and anarchic life with Nod, a present-day ex-military serviceman in Frances Palmer, Katherine Howell’s, and David Brown’s life-history article. Finally, Rebecca Twinley considers a newly acquired identity as autistic and, simultaneously, a person with autism in her 40s. We hope these articles stir your contemplation of past, present, and future lives, stimulating important research to come. Enjoy. 

The next issue will be in February 2023, but articles published online via advanced publication. Please submit via the journal website.