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Auto/Biographical Practices, Conventions and Silences: Infamy, Infamy


Proceeding from remembrance of a friend who has died, ideas about friendship and acquaintanceship are explored, in particular around the conventions and grounded practices of biography. Biographical conventions are strong, but there are subterranean changes in these. At the same time, some of the conventions remain protean and impact on biographical practices. The result is a gap between remembrance of a loved person and biographical accounts - both spoken and written – of what they were like. This is explored around the idea of biographical silences and an unreliable narrator who breaks such silences and is based up a keynote address given at the Auto/Biography Study Group Annual Conference, December 2021.


Friendship , Rememberance, Biographical accounts, Silences, Unreliable narrator


Author Biography

Liz Stanley

Liz Stanley is a Professor of Sociology at the University of Edinburgh. She is one of the founding members of the study group and writes extensively on biographical and autobiographical matters. 


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